All Forms & Reports


Welcome to the Highway 88 Water Community. Please contact our office by phone or you can complete the appropriate document electronically to apply for service. New owners will nee to provide a picture I. D., proof of ownership in the form of Closing Documents, deed, or property tax documents, alond with the Transfer Agreement filled out and signed. A $25 transfer fee is required for new owners. New renters will need to provide a picture I. D. and lease agreement. A renter's deposit of $80 and a transfer fee of $25 is required. Please note, if you need a copy of a receipt for the landlord or rental company you will need to come to the office to complete the renter's paperwork.  If you are beginning new construction and need water service, you will need to complete the Tap Agreement. Tap prices vary depending on size, please contact the office to obtain these prices. We look forward to serving you water needs. PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETE ANY FORMS WITHOUT ALL NEEDED DOCUMENTATION. 



Online Forms

Use the forms below to fill out electronically and attach needed documents. Please SIGN on the second page on the line above Member. They will email directly to our office when you select Done. 

**Please note if you need a copy of a receipt for landlord or rental company, you will need to come to the office to complete the Renters paperwork. ***


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